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Light Design Title    The Real Fight Club Installation

Light Design was approached by The Real Fight Club organiser, promoter and head honcho, Alan Lacey, to supply unique specialist lighting effects for a high profile boxing match for his Real Fight Club brand. The event took place on Friday 18th April 2008 in the sumptuous and eloquent Kensington Town Hall, a most unusual, but definitely well suited, location for this now legendary underground boxing brand!
The match saw a whole range of fighters from different levels and standards battling it out to a sell out crowd of more than 1000 people. Alan Lacey contacted Light Design to help make the fighting events, now gaining notoriety, to a new level with the use of effects lighting to enhance the show!

Light Design is no stranger to this type of challenge, having worked on all the early Cage Rage events along side Cage Rage founders David O’Donnell and Andy Geer. We knew exactly what we needed to do to give, the otherwise standard boxing match, the injection of lighting effects it required to take the show to a new level. Light Design implemented a selection of Martin Mac 575 Krypton moving heads as the main effects lights to create sweeps across the crowd, lighting in different colours and shapes for the many different entrances required for this match of underground boxing fighters. All fighters were lit with a follow spot to create high profile entrances allowing the crowd to see the fighter climbing into the ring. Light Design also installed 36 LED Par 64 cans to create ambient up lighting, whilst the boxing was in progress. The design was finish off with tower trusses housing led pixel battens, all controlled by an Avolites Pearl, to give that all important glitzy effect, in between bouts, for when the girls climb into the ring.

Following the immense success of our lighting effects installed for the Real Fight Club boxing match we have now been awarded the contract for all future fight club boxing events as well as landing 2 other high profile, fighting promoters that are keen to use our services for future events. Light Design again proves that we can supply every niche evolving our unique production style to cater for every possible event!

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Portfolio - Fight Club