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Martin Acrobat

The Martin Acrobat is an intelligent and dynamic disco lighting effect that lives up to its name with a stunning effect of over 50 ever-changing and continuously moving color and gobo beams.

• 250W halogen lamp
• 11 colors + 3 split colors + white
• 18 gobos
• Black out
• Strobe effect
• Revolving mirror drum, pan & tilt feature
• 50 ever-changing moving color and gobo beams
• Digital dimmer (0-100%)
• DMX or stand-alone mode

The Martin Acrobat (ãk´row-bãt´) n. - skilled in feats of agility and balance. A colorful and flexible entertainer. Able to perform astonishing acts and create eye-catching shows.

More features than any other comparable act

A combination color/gobo wheel, together with a mirrored rotating disc reflector, create an agile beam effect, each beam chasing the other while continuously changing color and gobo pattern. With 18 gobos + open and 11 full dichroic colors + 3 dichroic split colors + 5 white, the Martin Acrobat boasts more features than any other comparable act.

Like a true eye-catching performer, the Martin Acrobat adds an additional effect to its act for true uniqueness. The beams are then distributed onto a revolving mirror drum and then, via the advanced pan and tilt feature, cast out in all directions in a stunning burst of color and movement ...

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Martin Acrobat
Martin Acrobat

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Club Installation - Martin Acrobat