Lighting Hire - Studio Due Control Show 512 Call now: 0844 445 7777
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Studio Due Control Show 512

The easiness in the usage and the fast programming are always to be considered the main characteristics of our controllers. After the great success of the Studio Due Control Show 512 during the first year of production Studio Due has decided to complete the controller by adding new functions. The most important two are described below:

• Optional board to expand the DMX channels up to 1024

• Introduction of 24 basic positions for Pan and TiIlt to be used to increase the speed and simplify the programming. Other main features of the Control Show 512 are:

• Back-lit alphanumeric graphic display 240x120, very useful guide for the programming. The display gives all the necessary informations during both programming and execution phases

• 1989 memories using all the 512 DMX channels

• 128 programs, any of which can use all the available memories

• It can control a maximum of 64 motorized spots, scanners or groups of lighting systems. Each spot can be easily individually or collectively programmed, and it is possibile to operate
directly on each single parameter thanks to 16 incremental wheels. Incremental joystick for Pan and Tilt

• Pan/Tilt high resolution, 8 or 16 bits• SMPTE code, easy recording and synchronization

• Memory card, 1 Mbyte-Sram card/PMCIA type

• Mixed function and possibility to manually operate on some selected spots, meanwhile
others are executing the selected program ...

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 Studio Due Control Show 512
Studio Due Control Show 512

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Club Installation - Studio Due Control Show 512