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Avolites Diamond 4 Vision

This is the latest in the powerful Avolite Diamond 4 Vision Series, the new generation of top-level lighting control from Avolites.

The streamlined, stylish and aesthetically pleasing profile of the Avolite Diamond 4 Vision reveals a lighting console that’s intuitive to operate, offers minimum operator fatigue and the ability to create the fastest, most cost-efficient, stunning shows.

This Avolite Diamond 4 Vision is designed for large-scale shows, festivals, concerts, events and multi-purpose venues.

It addresses the needs of lighting designers needing fast, accurate and immediate control of numerous intelligent lights, conventional fixtures and other DMX devices.

The Avolite Diamond 4 Vision builds on other consoles in Avolites’ Diamond 4 Series – the D4 Classic and the D4 Elite, incorporating yet more groundbreaking features.

Avolites - after intensive user research - has designed a console that is equally at home in live ‘hands-on’ situations as it is in more controlled ‘pre-programmed’ environments.

The Avolite Diamond 4 Vision addresses the whole spectrum of production situations. For those with more time - and possibly with a designer away from the console - the Vision’s newly designed programming panel allows the entry and selection of fixtures and palettes by number, whilst the electronic palette gives entry by legend. These entry systems can be mixed in any way, and are always available simultaneously.

New features include the Command Syntax which allows replaying of the last entered button presses, and the storing of these for later use.

Also new is the storing of Times within a Palette, expanding the ability to use Palettes during live performance, and ensuring a highly flexible toolkit for use during programming. The built-in Looks and Palettes, and the Avolite Diamond 4 Vision’s easy use, enables operation of a show when there’s been no pre-programming whatsoever ...

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 Avolites Diamond 4 Vision
Avolites Diamond 4 Vision

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